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The Ex Why Zed Print Journey

At the heart of our process is the Print Journey. At each step, you will enjoy comprehensive guides, captivating videos and insightful blog posts. These resources empower you to make well-informed decisions about design and styling, propelling your project from an initial idea to a polished publication. Revisit the Journey to stay on track as your project unfolds.

Which step are you at? 

Scroll down then click on a title or button to dive in


Get Inspired

Our printing journey together starts with your kernel of a creative idea. 

This is the fun bit! Dive into our expansive portfolio of case studies, video showcase snippets and product pages to get inspired by what can be achieved in print. Find out about the different binding, size and paper options. Digest and enjoy them, fill a notebook with a world of possibilities then emerge with a winning style that will work for your initial idea.

If you prefer all the options on the table in front of you, then we can send out a paper sample pack today.

How Much Does It Cost To Print?

Once you have narrowed down your choices and arrived at an aesthetic you like, jump on our Printed Project Builder to let us know.

We avoid advertising all of our prices online because we prefer to start a conversation with you to find out more about the project. In turn, you will benefit from a far more engaged level of customer service from us than you get from a naff online spreadsheet. 

We Are Here To Help

Discover in-depth guides on design, style, technical advice and print solutions. Need to find a designer to artwork your project? Don't we've got your covered there too. 

Just want a good old fashioned chat? We take great pride in giving beyond-the-call-of-duty levels of customer service to everyone from the complete novice to the rockstar designer. Our proactive approach ensures you will receive fast response emails that clearly and expertly answer any questions you have along the journey. 

Reach us on hello@exwhyzed.fixed-staging.co.uk or by phone on 01206 766647. 

For an immediate response, our Live Chat is active during office hours. If you have precise visual details to discuss, then let's jump on a Zoom.

File Set-Up Knowledge Base

We are dedicated educators, passionate about sharing our knowledge to help you navigate the often complex world of print production. We give you all the tools you need to quickly and easily prepare print ready artwork. 

Enjoy working through our illustrated, step by step guides and ever expanding collection of video guides. Become a print rockstar and learn the technical fundamentals to ensure your PDFs are correct first time.

Placing An Order

Well done on getting your artwork ready for print! Now go ahead and upload the file/s using WeTransfer.com

It is super easy, free and you don’t need an account. Add hello@exwhyzed.fixed-staging.co.uk in the 'Email to' box. In the message box, tell us your print spec, number of copies you would like to print and the best address for delivery. We then get a download link with your files, simple as that!

After a few days, you will experience that magical moment of opening the boxes and there it is, your book printed from your artwork, you really did it! We transformed your idea into print and now it is time for you to show the world. Congratulations :)
© 2023 Ex Why Zed Ltd. All Rights Reserved | A suggestion to the rest of the print industry - why not use some brain power and creativity to write your own content rather than copying ours again? | Website by Catchfish Online