Ex Why Zed Print logo

Who we are

Our website address is: https://exwhyzed.fixed-staging.co.uk

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

We ask for your contact number, email address and social media tags on our contact form, live chat or sample pack request page purely to aid the process of sending you a print quote. Unless you phone us, it is our standard process to send quotes by email. They will be sent to the email address you included on the quote form and no 3rd parties will be cc’d in.

When you go ahead to print and the job is ready to be delivered, there might be an occasion where the delivery driver is struggling to find your house/flat so we pass on your contact details to ensure they can deliver the finished work. This happens for 5% of the jobs and is not our standard practice.


There are many case studies on our site containing our customers’ printing. We are super proud of the self-publishers, businesses and graphic artists we have helped get their work into print. Our appreciation of this and of showing how great we think your work is, is to display it as a case study. We do it to try and gain you more exposure for your work and where possible we will always include a link to your website, shop or sales page.

If you would prefer your work wasn’t included as a case study then please get in touch and we will absolutely remove it within 24 hours. If this is the case, then please accept our deepest apologies for including it, we were only trying to you help you out and gain you more sales. You retain all copyright to the original artwork in the publication we printed.

What happens to your artwork?

We do tend to keep all customer’s artwork on file because people regularly come back and ask for second, third and fourth editions of their printed work. Keeping the artwork on files saves countless hours and hassle reformatting it because the original files are ready to go live immediately.

If you would prefer us to unevically delete your artwork then do let us know and we will do that immediately on receipt of the request.

How long we retain your data

We will never share your data with any other company, organisation of Governing Body. We have no need or inclination to. We value our customer’s privacy, take great pride in helping them out with their printing and are frankly too busy to consider any practice that goes beyond the general day to day running of our print company.

Contact Forms and your contact information

We ask for your contact number, email address and social media tags on our contact form, live chat or sample pack page purely to aid the process of sending you a print quote. When you go ahead to print and the job is ready to be delivered, there might be an occasion where the delivery driver is struggling to find your house/flat so we pass on your contact details to ensure they can deliver the finished work. This happens for 5% of the jobs and is not our standard practise.

We have a live and up-to-date security certificate embedded on the site so any information is transmitted over a secure process.

© 2023 Ex Why Zed Ltd. All Rights Reserved | A suggestion to the rest of the print industry - why not use some brain power and creativity to write your own content rather than copying ours again? | Website by Catchfish Online